The success of the EasyHit High Intensity fiberoptic beads for shotguns is the intensity. Only the intensity makes it possible to aim with your indirect vision, thus making it possible to see the bead without looking at it. You can concentrate 100% on the target and still know exactly where your shotgun is pointing. And you can do this up to 30 degrees off your viewing axis, which is extremely important when following a target and in forward lead of a target. Average trapshooters have increased their score by up to 10-20 % the first day. More experienced trapshooters will see more smoked clays, boosting their confidence and keeping their concentration level high during competitions. Best choice for shooting Trap, Skeet, Sporting Clays and Wing Hunting with the sky as a background. (Also perfect for dusk and dawn wing shots since the fiber will be glowing nicely only with a blue ribbon at the horizon).